スキャルピングイナズマ | 優秀なEAが無料で使える|TRADERS-pro【トレプロ】トレーダーズプロ


プロフィットファクター 1.26 ※バックテスト参考値
Strategy Tester Report
XMTrading-Real 12 (Build 1170)
Symbol USDJPY (US Dollar vs Japanise Yen)
Period 5 Minutes (M5) 2015.06.01 00:05 - 2019.06.25 23:55 (2015.06.01 - 2019.06.26)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Parameters MAGIC=20190626; OrderCom="ScalInazuma"; Spread=5; Slippage=30; StopLoss=0; Lot=0.1; MM=false; MMLeverage=5;
Bars in test 304166 Ticks modelled 101454154 Modelling quality n/a
Mismatched charts errors 488
Initial deposit 1000000.00 Spread 5
Total net profit 472387.60 Gross profit 2290966.00 Gross loss -1818578.40
Profit factor 1.26 Expected payoff 219.31
Absolute drawdown 36788.40 Maximal drawdown 138398.80 (9.50%) Relative drawdown 9.50% (138398.80)
Total trades 2154 Short positions (won %) 911 (65.31%) Long positions (won %) 1243 (64.44%)
Profit trades (% of total) 1396 (64.81%) Loss trades (% of total) 758 (35.19%)
Largest profit trade 14420.00 loss trade -13550.00
Average profit trade 1641.09 loss trade -2399.18
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 20 (43340.00) consecutive losses (loss in money) 9 (-10290.00)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 44050.00 (16) consecutive loss (count of losses) -39120.00 (4)
Average consecutive wins 4 consecutive losses 2